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Three Mistakes To Avoid When Painting Your Business Interior

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A fresh coat of interior paint can really give your business a facelift, especially if the walls are beginning to look a bit grimy. Unfortunately, there are some minor mistakes you can make that can make the new paint job more of a headache than a help. The good news is that by knowing the mistakes, you can actively avoid them so your new paint job benefits your business. #1: Trying to rush the job Read More»

Three Tips For Caring For Finished Wood Furniture

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Some of your most prized pieces of furniture may be made of finished high-quality woods. Due to the sizable value of these pieces of furniture, as well as the emotional attachment you may have to them, you will want to make sure that you are following these steps to ensure these items are properly maintained. Clean The Wood Regularly One of the most important things that you can do for any piece of wood furniture is to make sure that you clean it on a regular basis. Read More»