Tips For Painting Your Home's Exterior
A fresh coat of paint completely transforms the look of your home. A variety of factors determine the final result when painting your exterior.
Crucial Pointers When Painting Your Exterior
Superficial painting is contingent on several factors to guarantee the desired effect. To make your coloring experience easier, consider the following factors.
Time of Year
Coating your structure is best during the dry season when there is little rain and humidity. The best months are from May to October. In these conditions, your structure's exterior is dry, a requisite for painting. Moreover, there is no precipitation to wash off your tint.
Quality Before Price
Saving money for a cheaper brand introduces problems concerning quality and permanency. Going for a better quality guarantees better coverage and less repainting over the years. High-quality tints may be more expensive but they are worth it.
Selecting the Perfect Tint
Water-based acrylic paints are easy to apply because they cure faster. Additionally, administer a gloss finish in high traffic areas. These include the porch, door frames, and window casings. This luster serves to protect the tint from UV rays.
Administering Top Coats
More coats ensure the color's durability and appeal. Allow curing in between coats to prevent paint bubbles from ruining your result. Different colorants have a specified number of coats in their manufacturer's guide. Keenly adhere to the provided instructions.
How to Paint Your Exterior
Outside tinting requires preparation before execution. Learn here how to coat your exterior to achieve your desired outcome.
Prep Your Structure
Get rid of dirt from your exterior's surface by pressure washing. Do the same for your gutters, even if you will not coat them. Also, repair blemished surfaces by administering a filler on cracks. When the filler cures, lightly sand the surface using a medium grit sanding block to remove the loose hue. This procedure increases the tint's coverage when painting the surface.
Apply stain-sealing primer on the surfaces of your exterior that have discoloration. Failing to do this procedure will cause unevenness in the hue on your surface and make it unappealing. One coat of primer is often enough.
Protect Lights, Doors, and Windows and Paint Exterior
Cover these areas using a plastic sheet. Paint from top to bottom using a paint sprayer while overlapping strokes by 8 inches. Remove the plastic sheet covers from doors, and lighting fixtures, then apply 2 coats of outside sheen paint on your woodwork.
Exterior painting is best from May to October when it is dry, making it easier for your tint to cure. Always choose quality over price to get a long-lasting tint. Prepping and priming your exterior is a prerequisite of exterior painting to guarantee the coverage of your tint.
Contact an exterior painting service in your area for more information.